Credit and Operational modules
The purpose of this course is to prepare specialists that will master AS-Bank system credit and operational parts. The knowledge is necessary to conduct customer service and loan operations in banks and credit organizations with AS-Bank system.
This course includes
  • Introduction to AS-Bank system
  • Record-keeping of bank customers and bills
  • Implementation of customers’ payment and cash services’ main processes, payment documents record-keeping
  • Implementation of credit processes, input and conduct of credit, pledge and guarantee contracts
  • Receiving internal reports of the bank
The course consists of theoretical and practical parts. Practical part includes the imitation of real banking processes.
Required knowledge - This course is designed for students with higher and middle level education. They must be computer literate and have knowledge of the banking industry.
Duration -11 classes, 22 hours
Cost - 66.000 AMD
  • AS-Accountant Course Structure
  • AS-Enterprise Course Structure